Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                I propose to deal with the subject in the nature of a general address for two reasons. Firstly, your Secretary's request for a lecture by me, reached me just before I left on tour, leaving me very little time for adequate preparation. I should have liked to deliver a considered scientific lecture, but, that meant equipping myself with diagrams, statements, slides, and all those paraphernalia which one scientist would like to have, when addressing fellow-scientists. On thinking over, I thought it would not be a bad plan to give, instead of a formal scientific address, a general talk. It is a great advantage for research workers to take from time to time, a broader anda more general outlook by reading the history of agriculture and agricultural science. In fact, I would suggest to some of the younger members of the Association that they should take up the subject as a hobby, and I can assure them it will be of absorbing interest. In this country, with its long civiliza- tion, you will find the history of agriculture and agricultural practices is a unique subject that will more than repay the attention you devote to its study.

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