Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Of all the manifested forces of nature, the Sun probably is the most important for life on earth. Every activity of living beings, both animals and plants can ultimately be traced to the apparently inexhaustible store of solar energy. Horses, cattle and men derive their physical energy from it, all kinds of vegetation thrive wonderfully in sunlight and die when it is denied to them. Water-power used by men whether it beriver or waterfall, owes its origin to the action of the sun. Coal and petroleum are in fact stored up reservoirs from the stream of solar energy, for these are but the vegetation of past ages conserved in the entrails of the earth. The sun even exerts a mental influence. It is associated with joy and the bright side of life. The sleeper is awakened from his lazy bed by the rays of the early morning sun; the dull dreary feeling caused by days of cloudy weather is dissipated by the appearance of the bright sun and one is whipped up to energy and feels more active and cheerful than before. All nature herself smiles at the appearance of the sun, the flowers open out, the bees hum, the crickets chirp and one shares with Browning, the feeling that God is in His Heaven and all is right with the World'. The sun is therefore rightly named as Poornasthamo Mochakah (the destroyer of all thamas).

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