Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                I appreciate that it is often difficult for the layman to see any earthly use in many of the things that scientists do and talk about doing. Of what value is it to you and to me, for instance, for a man to spend his time trying to discover the workings of nature? How can a man-we are inclined to say-do any thing useful unless he works directly with the things that we all can touch and see. that we know have practical utility? Well, when confronted by questions like that, I think of men like Faraday and Mendel and some of the scientists in the employ of the Federal Government. About a hundred years ago in England Michiel Faraday wis what we might call an experimental philosopher. He never concerned himself with the invention of machines. His sole aim was to learn something about the workings of natura. He discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction, and if you remember your high school science, you will recall that without that discovery we would today hava no mains of putting electrical energy to work for us. Without Fara- day, the amazing inventions of Elison and Marconi would not have been possible.. and your radio aud your electric lights would not exist.

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