Madras Agricultural Journal
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Standardization of Time and Method of Budding of Peach (cv. Shan-e- Punjab) on Different Rootstocks


                                Peach cv. Shan-e-Punjab was budded on seedling rootstocks of peach, plum and apricot by T, inverted T and Patch budding from 15th June to 1st August at 15 days interval. Inverted ‘T’ budding took minimum days for full sprouting in plum and apricot rootstock whereas; in peach T budding took minimum number of days for the same. Maximum number of days to full sprouting were taken by patch budded plants. Among different dates, plants budded on 15th July took minimum number of days to full sprouting, while budding on 1st July gave maximum bud take success. Inverted T budded plants recorded maximum scion length and girth after 120 days of budding at all the dates except on 15th June and was followed by ‘T’ budding.

Key words : Peach, budding, scion length, scion girth, sprouting, bud take.


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