Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                The well-known saying that "Prevention is better than cure" is a very old maxim and is specially appropriate, in many cases, where we have to deal with diseases and pests of various kinds; but, un- fortunately the very sage advice contained in the pithy saying, is more honoured in its breach, than in its observance. It may be affirmed that in the case of many insect pests, prophylactic measures will be found far more practicable and economical, than those adopted to actually fight a disease or pest when it has made its appearance, and when it often becomes too late to employ preventive measures or, too difficult to resort to curative methods. In certain special cases, no other methods other than preventives will be found practicable. The more important preventive methods against crop pests, may be conveniently grouped under one of two kinds, viz., cultural and sanitary. The following is a brief summary of some of the more practicable and advantageous preventive methods which can be adopt- ed against insect pests under South Indian conditions.

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