Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Of all vegetables that have recently come to the forefront, Tomato (Lycopersicum.esculentum) must be given a very prominent place. It is the cheapest ani most easily grown vegetable and a very valuable fruit from a nutritional view point. It contains vitamins A, B and C in plenty and is one of the richest sources, of these. This paper is only an attempt to record in brief outline, some of the observations made and experience gained during the last two years, when the writer was privileged to be in charge of the orchard and vegetable garden in the Central Farm. As the value of vitamins in human and animal nutrition becomes increasingly known this fruit is bound to come to greater prominence. It is both a fruit and a vegetable and since it can be eaten raw, the vitamins contained in it are not lost. The analysis of the fruit as determined by the Govern- ment Agricultural Chemist is interesting.

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