Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                I have much pleasure in accepting the invitation of the Madras Agricultural Students' Union, to speak this evening about the many things I have seen in Europe, particularly in Italy. under the new regime. I had the advantage of going to Italy with a request sent by the Madras Government to the Government of Italy, to give me official facilities for seeing the work there, both by way of agricultural re- search and by way of other agricultural organisation; and the Italian Government were extremely kind, and showed me great courtesy and consideration in giving me full facilities for seeing the work that was being done there. Italy. I have visited thrice-I was there in 1922 hefore Signor Mussolini became head of the Government: I was there again in 1927, and the present was my third visit-and, every time I found an enormous change had very emphatically shown itself in the spirit of Agricultural Research in Italy.

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