Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                The Vellore Town Municipality maintains 58 heads of working cattle for conservancy purposes and the annual budget allotment for maintaining these bulls comes to about Rs. 4000 which is spent mainly on the purchase of fodder etc. They were being fed till very lately with the following rations per head per day:- Paddy straw, 15 lbs. Rice bran, 3 Mudras mensures. Agathi leaves, 114 lbs. Contracts were given to dealers to supply the above food materials and it was found that the quality of bran supplied was very poor due to the presence of husk, etc. It was therefore a problem to the autho rities how to change the rations given to their working animals omit- ting bran. The Municipality consulted the Agricultural Department. It was suggested to them, to utilize a small area of their sewage farm for raising fodder crops such as lucerne and elephant grass. The sug- gestion was taken up immediately.

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