Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Dhall is largely consumed by vegetarians in different forms either as such or in combination with vegetables etc. Red gram (Cajanus indicus) from which dhall is prepared occupied 28,88,98 acres in this presidency according to season and crop report for 1932-33. Out of this, North Arent district had 21,958 neres, of which Tirupattur taluk, alone had 6996 acres. Other important districts where red gram is cultivated on a large extent, are in order of rank, Trichinopoly. Bel- lary, Anantapur, Kurnool, Vizagapatam, Guntur, Ganjam, Salem and Coimbatore. North Arcot district comes fifth in the above list based on acreage. Commercially, Tirupattur produce has a good reputation for its quality. It is therefore proposed to give a short account of how it is prepared for the market.

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