Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                So far as their distribution in India is concerned, the thick or tropical type of canes are grown chiefly in the Madras and Bombay Presidencies, as alsc in Burma, parts of Bengal, Assan and in the North-West Frontier Province. Besides their cultivation in the above mentioned parts, these canes are grown for chewing purposes in the United Provinces, the Punjab and Bihar. According to the Sugar Committee of 1921, the area under the thick canes, in the United Provinces alone is estimated to be 75,000 acres, As is well known, the yield from the thick type of canes (Saccharum officinarum L.) is considerably more than that of the indigenous North Indian canes (S. Barberi Jesw.). In the Madras Presidency. the yield is about 28 tons per acre and in the Bombay Presidency the yields are fairly high and compare favourably with those obtained in Java. The drawback, however, is the high cost of production which. is from 7 to 12 annas a maund in Madras and about 12 annas a maund of cane in Bombay, a price which is much bigher than in Bihar where it is between 4 and 5 annas per maund. The aim therefore, has been to produce canes of the thick type which should be hardy and whose cost of production would be less. It is proposed to deal in this brief and preliminary note the manner in which the Imperial Sugarcane Station, Coimbatore, is trying to solve this aspect of the Indian Sugar Industry.

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