Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Sorghum is a valuable grain crop. It is pre-eminently a food crop of the poor cultivators, and the dominant cereal of regions of low rainfall. The average yield of grain is about 700 pounds to the acre. The chief point in which sorghum scores over other cereals, is in its heavy yield of fodder. This fodder is on an average about four times the yield of grain. It is moreover considered to be the best straw among cereals. There is a distinct preference for this straw as a feed for milch cattle. In areas of favourable water supply. sorghum makes an excellent fodder crop, giving cuts of over 30,000 pounds per acre. The bulk of the fodder is so very nicely protected within the hard rind, that the keeping qualities of this fodder are much in its favour. For these reasons any improvement in the quality of this fodder is of great agronomic value.

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