Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                Recently the attention of the Department was drawn by the Secretary, Indian Central Cotton Committee, Bombay, to an impres- sion gaining ground among a certain section of cotton trade and mill industry in Bombay that, of late, the quality is steadily deteriorating in Southerns cotton, in which Cambodia exported from Tirupur. Coimbatore, and Pollachi has also been mentioned. Such an opinion. is rather unexpected in view of the fact that cotton is one of the crops to the improvement of which Government are ever paying the greatest attention. Amongst the several measures taken in this direction dur- ing the past 15 years or more, may be enumerated the evolution of high yielding strains like Co. 2, arrangements for the rapid multipli- cation and sale of the seed of these improved types to the growers, the enacting of the Cotton Pest Act against the spread of cotton pests causing damage to both quality and quantity, the passing of the Cotton Transport Act against the import of inferior cottons into tracts where cottons of quality are being grown, the enforcement of the Cotton Control Act which penalises the grower of low grade cotton in such tracts, the introduction of a Market Act for the securing of better prices, and the insertion of certain clauses in the Cotton Ginning and Pressing Factories Act to prevent inadvertent mixing.

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