Madras Agricultural Journal
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SOME SOUTH INDIAN VILLAGE STUDIES (A Preparatory Study of "Villur", Village No. 119, in Tirumangalam Taluq, Madura District, Madras Province.)


                                Nature of Rainfall. The rainfall is very uncertain and scanty even in the best of seasons. A study of the district during a number of years shows no indication of its being concentrated in the two short periods during which the monsoons blow. On the contrary, it appears that there is a continuous rainy season of 9 months' duration which brings more and more rain until November, when it rapidly declines. During a first rate season there will be rain in almost every month of the year, though the bulk of rainfall is received in October and November, every fall will be of some use to one or another of the many crops that are grown, provided it be not too heavy and pro- tracted. Usually there is nothing like regularity in their occurrence or amount. During some years rain falls in desirable abundance but either too early or too late in the season. This state of affairs natu- rally confuses and misleads the ordinary cultivator. Often his antici- pation fails and he meets with disappointment.

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