Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                A study of the time of flower opening and anther dehiscence is a necessary pre-requisite in any scheme of plant breeding where artificial hybridisation is contemplated. As the mechanism controlling these phases of floral development are influenced by latitude and season, it is essential that separate data are collected on this aspect at each place of investigation. In Bengal gram (Cicer arietinum) Howards and Khan (1915) have recorded their observations under the conditions obtaining at Pusa. Since no information under South Indian conditions was available, detailed studies were undertaken at Coimbatore during 1931-32. Bengal gram is usually sown in the Coimbatore District about the middle of November, and is in flowers between the second week of January and the first week of February. A pattern of its flowering curve is given in Chart I. It may be mentioned here that this crop belongs to the category of plants, the flowers of which open and close for two successive days.

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