Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                A conference of this nature is helpful in bringing together Agri- cultural experience and research for a free exchange of ideas. Irriga- tion from a ryot's point of view is given here and research should be able to offer solution to the problems set out. Irrigation has developed considerably the world over, natural resources are utilised to the full. water is held up in times of plenty and distributed when scarce, to get over unequal rainfall distributions. But irrigation is only a means to an end and growing crops with irrigation is not enough; it must also be remunerative, foremost. There are about 10,000 acres of wetlands in the Kulitalai taluk irrigated by the Cauvery. Originally, the irrigation was managed by the people themselves, and was taken over by the Revenue Depart- ment by about 1882. Later in 1907, the control was transferred to the Public Works Department and continues to be so.

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