Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                It is very kind of the Secretary of the Union to have invited me for the College Day and Conference and to take part in the symposium on irrigation this morning. I regret to have to deny myself the pleasure of attending the functions, but I am glad of the opportunity to associate myself once again-though from a long distance - with this function and to give a paper for the symposium. I have been asked to contribute a paper on any aspect of irrigation. In recent years, I have had occasions to participate, as Agricultural Chemist to the Government of Madras, in discussions on soils and irrigation in connection with the new irrigation projects in the Pre- sidency and to lay down a scheme of soil survey and irrigation research. The discussions on the importance of drainage in an irriga- tion system as a preventive and curative measure against soil deteriora- tion being still fresh in my mind, I have chosen the drainage aspect of irrigation for my theme.

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