Madras Agricultural Journal
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STUDIES IN SUGARCANE IV. Variations in the Concentration of Juice in Sugarcane.


                                In the course of studies on the biochemistry of sugarcane with particular reference to its maturity and arrowing, the authors felt a need for an exact knowledge of the actual mode of distribution and accumulation of suger in sugarcane at several stages of its growth and development, in order to be able to satisfactorily explain some of their data. Information in the literature that is available was found to be inadequate to meet their needs. Therefore it was proposed to follow the distribution of the concentration of juice over the entire length of the cane, from the growing point down to its bottom, flush with the surface of the soil. The results obtained indicated that the concentration in the juice varied not only from top to bottom, but also within each internode and that the variations were very regular, and obviously with a bearing on the physiology of the sugarcane; for this reason, they are presented in this paper, as they might also interest other workers.

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