Madras Agricultural Journal
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[This is the first of a series of articles attempting a critical review of the present status of the fruit industry in Indin and its future possibilities. In this series an attempt is made to deal with each of the major fruits under cultivation and to discuss the peculiar problems with particular reference to the economic interests of the grower and consumer alike. Fruit industry. is a national asset and a long range view is called for in any scheme for its development, and this again must be based on a correct evaluation of its present condition. The articles are primarily intended to focus the atten tion of those interested in the resuscitation of the rural side and at the same time in the betterment of the national health that is bound to follow an increased consumption of fruits by all classes of people. The interests of the prospective fruit growers and of those who intend extending their commercial orchards are kept in the fore-front in formulating the suggestions.]



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