Madras Agricultural Journal
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Co-operation in Agriculture with special reference to sugarcane crop in Coimbatore District


                                That Agriculture is the mainstay of the vast majority of the population In this country and that the prosperity of the country depends on the con- dition of agriculture and those engaged in it, are obvious facts which do not call for elaborate arguments to convince anyone. In a world of large scale business, the agriculturists are in need of organisation, and co-ope- ration offers the most ideal form of organisation for them. Co-peration has worked wonders for agriculturists in countries like Denmark, Ireland, Canada and the United States. In India, till recently, co-operation among agri- culturists confined itself to one aspect of the problem namely credit. Such a one-sided development had consequences which made themselves felt seriously in the great Depression which set in from 1930. Now it is recog- nised on all hands, that the rural problem, if it is to be tackled properly, should be tackled on all its fronts. Any attempt to improve the economic condition of the agriculturists must therefore include in its scope finance for production purposes, supply of requirements and marketing of produce.

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