Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Preparation, Sowing and Care of Cigarette Tobacco Seed Beds.


                                It is of the utmost importance that proper care should be taken of seed beds, in order to produce a successful crop of tobacco. No detail should be overlooked and no operation imperfectly done in raising the young plants to the planting out stage. For the successful growing of a uniform crop of tobacco, every endeavour should he made to obtain uniformity in size and strength of the seed. lings to be transplanted. The site selected should be a well-drained land, close to a permanent supply of water. The same site should be used only one year and then rested at least for two years The site should be away from big trees which have extensive root systems and too much shade. An eastern or north- eastern exposure is hest, as the early morning sunshine is very desirable for the plants. The seed beds should have an abundance of available plant food at the time the seed germinates and a sufficient supply to maintain steady growth of the seedlings during the period they remain in the beds First of all the site should be cleared of weeds and rubbish. The area cleared should be in excess of the actual area required for the nurseries. Then the land should be ploughed once, about a month before the actual nursery operations begin. After the first ploughing a fairly heavy dressing of well-rotted farm-yard manure should be broadcasted evenly and the area ploughed again some time before the final operations commence. After this the site should be well levelled and eventually lined off into beds with broad shallow drains between the beds to serve as path- ways. Fairly deep open draius should also be cut around the four sides of the site.

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