Madras Agricultural Journal
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Skew Bolls in Cotton


                                . In 1939-40 a few cotton bolls were observed in a bulk field of K. 1 (s strain of Gossypium arboreum L., var neglectum forma indico, evolved at the Agricultural Research Station, Koilpatti) which differed from the normal in displaying a characteristic skewness in their external configu ration. Examination of these skew bolls revealed that some of the ovules had not developed. These defunct ovules reduce the potential yield of the cotton plant, and thus cause an economic loss. A similar observation was made by the writer in N 14 (another strain of Gossypium arboreum L., var. neglectum forma indica) at the Agricultural Research Station, Nandyal in 1938-39. Investigations into the nature and causes of such an intensely localised non-development of ovules, its relation to boll shedding and its seasonal and varietal peculiarities were commenced at the Agricultural Research Station, Koilpatti, in 1939-40. A few interesting conclusions were arrived at in regard to the origin of skewness.

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