Madras Agricultural Journal
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Climate and Crop Production in the Guntur Black Soils. A Preliminary Study


                                The black-soil of the Guntur District is one or the most Interesting tracts in this presidency and has recently come into great prominence on account of the extensive production of cigarette tobacco. This tract has long been known to be an important centre for chillies groundnut (bunch variety), cotton and cigar-tobacco. Consequent on the introduction of the Virginia tobacco and its spread, the area under the food, fodder and chilli crops has been reduced. The approximate acreage of the different crops in the two districts of Guntur and Kistna are as follows:- groundnut 6,25000, cotton 1,10,000, tobacco (virginia) 85,000, chillies 56,000. It is of a great agricultural interest that all these crops are grown under dry conditions.

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