Madras Agricultural Journal
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Sorghum, Spikelet-Awn Relationships and Inheritance


                                The classification of sorghum is based primarily on the characters of the sessile spikelets, because they are less likely to have been modified in the evolution of the various cultivated species from their wild ancestors. The spikelets of sorghum may be awned or awnless. The awn is prominent in wild sorghum, in which it can be as long as 40 mm. In cultivated sorghum, however, the awn is much shorter, the longest being about 15 mm. Most of the wild sorghums possess awns; in the cultivated races both awned and awnless conditions prevail. The presence or absence of awn and the gradations in its length when present, are governed by genic factors. Given the full complément of factors determining maximum ex- pression of length, it can be said in general terms, the bigger the spikelet the longer the awn tends to be. Among the wild sorghums that have so far been examined at the Millets Breeding Station. Coimbatore, this relation- ship was borne out.

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