Madras Agricultural Journal
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Soil Erosion by Surface Run-off.


                                In the black soil areas of the Ceded Districts conditions are generally favourable for heavy losses of soil and water by surface run- off after rains. Sheet erosion has been responsible for a steady deteriora- tion in the depth and fertility of the soil. The main factors contributing to this are (1) the heavy type of soil-which does not allow the rain water to be absorbed as fast as it is received, (2) the undulating nature of the land and (3) the great intensity of the rainfall. About half the annual rainfall of the tract is received within a limited period of four to six weeks between September and October. Unless proper preventive measures are adopted, most of the rainfall received in heavy instalments is lost as surface run-off carrying with it large quantities of the rich surface soil. A knowledge of the exact amount of soil and water lost by run-off is essential for an under standing of the magnitude of the problem.

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