Madras Agricultural Journal
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Prevention of Soil Erosion on Tea Estates in South India


                                The object of my contribution to your discussions, is to describe, what steps have been and are being taken to prevent soil erosion on tea estates in S. India. In one way tea estates present a special problem, but what I have to say about anti-erosion measures, applies very largely to any form of hill cultivation. Perhaps there are some of you not familiar with the tea industry in S. India, so I shall begin by saying that there are in Mysore, the Madras presidency and Travancore approximately 160,000 acres of tea. The chief districts in the Madras presidency are the Nilgiris, Wynad and Anamallais. In Travancore state tea is grown on the Kanan Devan Hills or High Ranges and in South and Central Travancore. Mysore and Cochin states have a comparatively small acreage.

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