Madras Agricultural Journal
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Introduction of sugarcane varieties in the Presidency,


                                Sugarcane is one of the important cash crops, grown on a fairly extensive scale, in some of the districts of the Presidency. The crop received attention, even in the early years of the Agricultural Department, when it was under the control of the Board of Revenue. During the years 1895 to 1897, the area under this crop in the Godavari district, declined, due to the ravage of "Red-rot" (Colletotrichum falcatum). It was in 1898, that an Economic Botanist, the late Dr. Barber, was appointed to investigate the disease and overcome it, if possible. In 1901, a small extent of land was leased in the Godavari district, to grow different canes and select therefrom the resistant types. It was felt that this was the most practical method to deal with the situation. This resulted in the establish- ment of Agricultural Research Station, Samalkot, which was opened in 1902, for this purpose. This crop, as the facts indicate, received attention, even long before the Department became an independent one, as it did in 1906, the year in which a whole time Director of Agriculture was appointed.

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