Madras Agricultural Journal
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Grass Flora of North and South Arcot Districts with special reference to fodder grasses.


                                The North and South Arcot Districts receive a total annual rainfall of about 30 inches. The heaviest rainfall period is during the north-east mon- soon between September and November. During the year (1939) the north- east monsoon was late and only about two inches of rainfall were received towards the end of September. The regular monsoon, however, commenced from about the middle of October. The grass survey was made, between the 6th and 23rd of October. The grasses had just started fresh growth and a few were in flower which enabled their identification. The soils of these districts are generally sandy loam. A large area ia under paddy especially in the South Arcot District. There is, therefore, the necessity to maintain a large number of work bullocks and buffaloes. The question of large scale production of good fodder, therefore, is of utmost Importance to the ryot in these districts.

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