Madras Agricultural Journal
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Cultivation of Rice and the best Method of Marketing.


                                The subject, it is needless to say, is of paramount importance to the ryols of the Madras Presidency. About 10'5 million acres are cultivated under paddy at present. There are vast deltas under Cauveri, Godavari and Kistna systems of canal irrigation. It is also cultivated under lift irrigation as in Salem and other districts. But the area under it may be small. It is computed that about 75% of the population take the rice diet in this Presidency and we may assume that this percentage will increase as the standard of living increases and more and more area is brought under irrigation projects. Rice in this Presidency stands in the same relation as wheat to North Western India. In North India wheat is the common staple food of about 75% of the population. Rice will continue to be the main cereal of consumption in this Presidency and it will not be replaced easily by any other cereal.

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