Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Artisan's Share in Agricultural Production.


                                The self-sufficiency of Indian villages has, in fact, dis- appeared, and it exists now only in the vision of the future. Although the old harmony is absent and there is no well-defined functioning of the various social groups for the welfare of the entire village, the inter-depen- dence of classes is readily apparent even at the present time. In no other occupation is such mutual dependence so frequently felt as in the agri- cultural pursuits which still dominate life in the country side. The farmers cultivate the land with cattle and human labour while they are continually helped by many others like carpenters, smiths and basket-makers who supply ploughs, spades, baskets and similar articles of deadstock which are essential in farming. These artisans function mainly as suppliers of agri- cultural implements and their services are constantly needed in agricultural production.

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