Madras Agricultural Journal
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Cultivation and Marketing of Virginia Tobacco.


                                "Economics of Farming" is a subject not well known to many an Indian farmer. Of all crops, production of flue cured Virginia Tobacco, otherwise called cigarettee tobacco, is one which should not be attempted or continued if once begun, without studying its economics. In the Madras Province as elsewhers in India, the crop was first introduced by the Indian Leaf Tobacco Development Co., Ltd., some 15 years ago in the black cotton soils of the Guntur district, where it has occupied the whole tract and has also extended to Nellore, Kistna and Godavari Districts. (Vide. Report on the Marketing of Tobacco in India and Burma-Page 31-A. M. A. 10/1400 Central Government.) The ryots know only how much they get over the acreage they plant. They do not know where they err and fail to get deserving profits ultimately. They do not care to know where and how money should be advanced and skilled labour be made available. In this article I propose to deal more with the economic aspects of flue-cured tobacco.

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