Madras Agricultural Journal
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Some Noteworthy Features of Fruit Industry in Rajampet Taluk.


                                Suitability of the tract for fruitvindustry. Rajampet Taluk in Cuddapah District is one of the most important fruit growing areas of the Presidency. This valley is bounded by Velikonda hills on the east and south and Seshachalam hills on the north and west. This tract is favoured by a fertile soil of considerable depth, good texture, plentiful supply of sub-soil water suitable for irrigation, freedom from cyclonic winds and proximity to the Madras market-factors eminently suited for making this orange belt famous in South India. This valley is also famous for the number of varieties of mangoes, limes and Sapotas, which it grows. But the commercial importance of mangoes and limes is shared by Chittoor and North Arcot districts. The success of the fruit industry depends not only upon the quality of the fruit produced, and additional wealth it brings to the individual fruit grower but also on the cheapness with which it is marketed so that it is made available to the poorest citizen of the province. The importance of fruit production and consumption of fruits in an essen- tially vegetarian country like India cannot be over-emphasised.

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