Madras Agricultural Journal
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Preliminary Studies on the Cardamom Thrips (Taeniothrips Cardamomi Ramk), and its Control.


                                The problem of cardamom thrips and their control is one of very recent investigation. Practically nothing was known of them till 1934, when they were first discovered by the junior author to be the sole agent concerned in causing unsightly scabs on the cardamom capsules. Ramakrishna Ayyar (1935) has described the thrips; Ramakrishna Ayyar and Kylasam (1935) have given a short account of the nature and the extent of damage caused by them. Since then the thrips situation has steadily worsened. The cardamom industry for which South India holds a monopoly has been steadily deteriorating as a result thereof. In view of the importance of the cardamom industry which is computed to give a turn over of nearly Rs. 10,000,000 per annum from a total production of 8,000,000 pounds of capsules, it was felt that the problem of thrips control required immediate attention. Experiments were started by the Entomologist in collaboration with Mr. K. M. Thomas, Government Mycologist, in 1939 at the Korangumudi Estate, Valparai (Anamalais Hills), where damage by thrips was reported to be very severe. The object of the experiment was to find out if it was possible to secure significant diminution of scab injury of the capsules by a reduction of thrips population with the aid of toxic sprays and dusts at a time when the thrips population was high.

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