Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Nizam Sugar Factory Plantation.


                                In the course of the last decade, India has been able to become self-sufficient with regard to her sugar requirements. But South India is far behind in contributing her proportionate quota of sugar as the number of sugar factories and large scale sugarcane plantations are few. The Nizam Sugar Factory Ltd, however, satisfies a longfelt need in the Hyderabad State. This sugar factory is situated at Bodhan one hundred miles distant from Hyderabad city (Deccan). It possesses an extensive cane estate of about 8000 acres. The area is not a contiguous block but extends on the eastern and northern directions of the factory the farthest points being about seven miles in either direction. Of the total estate only about 3000 acres are planted every year. All the area is cultivated under the Nizam-Sagar project, one of the biggest in India. In this paper, an attempt is made to give a brief account of the plantation side of the sugar factory.

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