Madras Agricultural Journal
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A few important cultivated and wild leafy vegetables of South India.


                                That vegetables have played a very important part in the past and continue to do so in modern dietetics and that they are a very necessary menu in the every day meal of each and every person has been admitted on all hands. Among vegetables, leafy vegetables should be given the first and foremost place as they rank very high in the present day dietetics. In the first place they are the sources of calcium in abundance. Of all the metals calcium is the most important one as it is very essential for the build- ing up of bones and teeth. Deficiency of calcium in the diet has been responsible for a number of diseases. At the present day bad teeth are so common even among young people that one has to think well about the diet one should adopt to avoid this trouble. Very naturally therefore greens such as amaranth, cabbage, fenugreek, spinach etc. are advocated to one and all especially to young children and expectant and nursing mothers. In the second place leafy vegetables contain the pigment carotene which is said to fulfil the physiological function of Vitamin A in the body. The importance of vitamins is so well recognised that it need not be dealt with in this short note.

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