Madras Agricultural Journal
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Indian Indigenous Milk Products.


                                The total annual value of the milk and milk products produced in India has been estimated as Rs. 300 crores, of which liquid milk accounts for 107, ghee 100, khoa 40, dahi 20 and other products about 33 crores of rupees. The total annual production of milk in India is about 700 million maunds. Ghee accounts for 53, Khon 76, dahi 38 and other products 5 per cent as milk equivalent of this production. The amount of milk product manufacture is enormous, especially ghee. The energy value of this milk is sufficient for 30 million adults for one year (10 per cent of the population) without taking into account the special value of milk as a protective food due to its fat, protein, ash and vitamins. The energy value of the milk produced in England is sufficient for 7 million adults (15 per cent of the population) for one year. There is thus considerable scope for greater milk production in India so as to raise the percentage of milk and its products used in the diet of the people from 10 per cent nearer to the 15 per cent level found in western countries.

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