Madras Agricultural Journal
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Recent Advances in Control of Fungous Diseases of Plants


                                At the present time, when it is necessary to promote in every possible way the increase of agricultural production, and when the output of fundamental work has been substantially reduced, it is appropriate to consider a few of the directions in which advances have been made during the last very productive decade. This period has been by far the most productive, judged by volume, of all the history of plant pathology. In some quite new directions studies have been made and have resulted in useful knowledge, but in most cases the informa- tion which has lent itself readily to practical applications has been due to the reinvestigation of old fields which for some time have not received much sttention. As very good examples of this we may quote the excellent work which has been done on such widely different subjects as plant hygiene, fungi- cides and nutrition in relation to disease.

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