Madras Agricultural Journal
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Some Factors Governing Fruit-bud Formation in Mangoes (Mangifera Indica Linn.)


                                That the production of profitable crops of marketable size and quality is the end-result of a long series of factors is a well established fact. Broad- ly, these factors can be classified under iwo groups-one, which is partially or completely under the control of the grower and another, which is not. The latter group comprises of mainly a complex series, which can be con- veniently summarised under the heading of climate or season, and which may directly or indirectly exert a determining influence upon crop size. Even though this group of factors is beyond the control of man, it is possi- ble to establish significant correlation between each of the factors consti- tuting this group and the tree-performance, and thus obtain a precise know- ledge of the optimum cultural practices in relation to the various types of tree-requirements as modified by this group of factors. In the chain constituting the other group of factors, there are undoubt edly numerous links to be considered. This group of factors demands special care of the grower, as by a proper understanding of the influence of some or all of these factors it is not only possible to ensure better crops in normal years, but it may also enable the grower to reduce or minimise the losses resulting from unfavourable conditions not directly or easily con- trollable.

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