Madras Agricultural Journal
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Paper Making as a Cottage Industry.


                                In olden days, our anscestors used to write their records and invitations on the leaves of palms like palmyra. As days passed on, the Chinese were the first to prepare paper in cottages. Then as we were trading with them some of our people learnt the art from them, but they kept it a secret. After the invasion of the Mahomedans, it was taken to their country, and thus the industry spread over the whole of Europe, but it almost perished in India. Then after centuries, the industry was again brought to India and began flourishing well. But as a result of the industrial revolution the mills came into existence, thereby adversely affect- ing the cottage Industry. Now again, the industry is being popularised. The All India Village Industries Association is doing its best for the revival of many cottage industries, including that of paper.

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