Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Puddler


                                The "puddler" is an ingenious agricultural implement. It is used primarily for puddling and secondarily for trampling leaf manure in wet- lands for paddy cultivation. it is, therefore, a dual purpose implement. Just as a tank is the main weapon on land to win a war so is this puddler- now nicknamed wetland tank - for the successful cultivation of paddy with the minimum labour on maximum area within a minimum time limit. It was introduced in the Hindupur Taluk of the Anantapur District for the first time in 1940 by the Agricultural Department when the price of each was Rs. 21. Its price now is Rs. 36 which is beyond the means of an ordinary cultivator. This original implement is of all iron parts consisting of galvanized iron pipe 3 feet long, 3 cast iron hubs of 4 spokes each to take in iron plates, flat iron handle and frame and a number of bolts and nuts that cannot be made or repaired by a village smith. Due to war the price of iron as everybody knows has gone up and a time has now come when the minimum quantity of iron will have to be used for such implements.

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