Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Search for Economic Plants


                                The search for plants yielding spices and the history of their cultivation and use, as well as the story of the transport of the spices, is a romance which includes accounts of geographical discovery, monopolies, economic warfare, annexations of territories, and all the vices of theft, envy, hatred and malice, and all uncharitableness enumerated by the Apostle St. Paul. Perhaps the spice which should be put in the forefront is pepper (Piper nigrum), native of Malabar and of the forests of Travancore, a spice now too seldom seen or appreciated in its natural conditions as black pepper corns, which was the staple article of trade between Europe and India for many ages. Most people to-day use white pepper, which is the small berry-like fruit or peppercorn, ground after its pericarp has been removed, thus depriving it of some of its pungency and best seasoning qualities.

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