Madras Agricultural Journal
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Fruit Bottling


                                Fruit bottling not so long ago, was regarded as a typical country occupation, but the war has made the town housewife equally "preserve minded" and, judging from the queries and general interest in this subject, even keener than her country sister who wisely bottles and preserves every year as a matter of course. To be successful, it is necessary to make sure that everything is done to avoid mistakes, and so whatever method is chosen should be followed carefully and the following points noted. Objects The object of preserving fruit is to destroy bacteria, moulds, yeasts, and enzymes which would otherwise cause deterioration. Methods The methods of doing this are by (1) sterilizer, (2) oven, (3) pulping, and (4) Campden method. Water or Syrup Fruit can be bottled very successfully in plain water, although if sugar can be spared flavour is improved by using syrup, viz.; 2-8 cz. sugar to each pint of water. Preparation of syrup: dissolve sugar in water and boil for a few minutes, strain. Note-syrup with honey: add two parts of water to one part of honey.

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