Madras Agricultural Journal
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India Must Grow More Food


                                It is almost an year since we met last for a similar purpose. As you are all aware, we have turned the corner and started pounding the Axis. Last week, Italy dropped her pilot and Mussolini left the scene. While we are happy and hopeful about the outcome of the War, our living conditions have been causing much concern to the public at large and the Government. We have had a year of famine. Our food production had been insufficient to meet the demands. At the same time, unscrupulous people hoarding the grains without consideration for the starvation around them, have created difficulties by reducing the supplies in the market. The cry for food is great. The responsibilities of the Agricultural Department have become heavy and we are striving our best to increase the food supplies. We are trying to expand cultivation by bringing unculti- vated lands under the plough. The ryots are permitted to grow grain crops on these lands free of assessment. Favourable terms for food cultiva- tion as, free cultivation of tank beds with vegetables and certain dry crops when there is no water in the tanks, the cultivation of railway lands under reasonable rental, and free cultivation of backyards with dry food crops and vegetables, have been offered. We are offering free seeds and manures to poor ryols. We have opened our purse wide and are granting loans for sinking new wells or repairing old ones and making them fit for use. Government have granted remission of assessment for three years for the cultivation of food crops under such wells and have said that ryofs may begin repaying the loan from the fourth year onwards. We are granting loans free of interest for purchase of manures and improved seeds up to a maximum of Rs. 50 in each case. With such a large number of concessions, Government have put before you the opportunity for growing more food crops and feeding the hungry people.

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