Madras Agricultural Journal
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A note on the cultivation of maize for cobs


                                Maize is primarily a grain crop grown extensively all over the world. In the Northern Circars, it is grown mainly as a fodder crop. Of late how- over, it is being cultivated for its green cobs, especially near towns. The local people have cultivated a taste for the green cobs and there is a steady, though limited, demand for the cobs in the market. The area devoted to the cob-crop is not negligible, being about 100 acres even about the neighbourhood of a small town like Anakapalli. After the removal of the cobs, the stalks are cut and fed to cattle. They are particularly valuable for the milch cattle. The maize cob-crop is cultivated in the Circars as follows. Soil Maize comes up well in almost all classes of soils, and paticularly well in good loamy solls. It is also grown in clayey loams in wetlands that have supplemental irrigation facilities from wells, provided the soil is well drained.

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