Madras Agricultural Journal
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Importance of Plant Protection in Crop Production


                                The slogan 'Grow more food crops has now-a-days become so very Infectious that at present we hear it from all corners and even from quarters where talk about such subjects connected with the boorish farmer of the uncivilised rural areas is generally considered outlandish and tabooed in high and refined social circles. It is, however, encouraging to note that persons in all walks of life are now beginning to realise the grim fact that the half-naked and ill fel farmer toiling in the out of the way fields and forests is the individual who has to satisfy the vital needs of every human being, be he a prince or peasant. In this particular aspect anyway, the present unfortunate world conditions have contributed to remind us all that it is on the foundation of agriculture that all human activities and thoughts depend in the last resort. The war and the events which have followed have demonstrated with great force the absolute dependence of all phases of industrial life upon the single industry agriculture, which, with its associated activities, forms the one primal, all-essential requisite in the successful prosecution of any enterprise whether war or peace. In the words of Prof. Maskew "the most important, the most vital thing in all the world is to get something to eat; if all of us here present, or mankind in general, were positively unable to obtain anything to eat for the space of one week, the affairs of this world, commercial or otherwise, would soon pecome of no more consequence than duckweed upon the surface of a pond. Without something to eat there would be no coal mined, no steel forged, no freight cars rolling.

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