Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Short Note on the Cultivation of Elephant Yam (Amorphophallus campanulatus)


                                When propaganda for reduction of area of commercial crops like groundnut and cotton is done, it is desirable that profitable substitute money crops, which are at the same time food crops also should be suggested to the ryots. The substitute crops should be those that can be cultivated by the ordinary ryot without much cultivation expenses and at the same time easily marketable. One such crop is Elephant yam. It is a nutritive root vegetable' which can he stored for a long time. Extension of cultivation of this will add to the vegetable production in the country and at the same time be profitable to the cultivator. This crop requires about 10 months to mature. It is usually planted in Chitrai (April-May) and harvested in Thai (January-February). A profit of more than Rs. 400 per acre can be secured in normal seasons by growing this crop. It is an exhaustive crop and can be grown in rotation once in three years in wet lands or garden lands. A short note on its cultivation is given below.

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