Author: Pounraj A,
p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 100, Issue: jan-mar,
Fisheries and aquaculture extension services respond to knowledge needs of farmers and rural people with a view to improving ûsh roduction, livelihoods, welfare and management of natural resources. Ideally, ûsheries extension should facilitate the ûow of information and technology from R&D to farming communities and return feedback on ûeld requirements to researchers. A study was conducted to evaluate the job performance of Fisheries Extension Functionaries in State Department Fisheries, Tamil Nadu. Nearly half of the respondents expressed that they had done their job with high level job performance; It could be concluded that more than three – fourths of the respondents had expressed that they performed their job medium to high level. The study shows that job involvement, achievement motivation, experience in service and technical knowledge were identified as crucial variables in explaining the change in the job performance of extension personnel. One of the findings of this study showed that the job performance of the extension personnel were found to be better but it needs to be improved for effective functioning of the Fisheries Department. It may be due to the lack of promotional opportunities and monotonous type of job duties. Hence, it is suggested to simplify the job chart of extension personnel and they need to be motivated through recognition, time bound promotion etc.
Keywords: Fisheries, Extension Functionaries, Job Performance
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