Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Fluted Scale, Icerya purchasi Mask., as a Pest of Wattle in South India, and its control by the Biological Method


                                Foreword The Fluted Scale, Icerya purchasi Mask., was first reported as a pest on wattle in April, 1928 on the Nilgiris, and during the years 1928-1930 measures were taken to check its spread first by the applica- tion of the Pest Act and later on by the importation (mainly from California and Egypt) of its natural enemy, the Ladybird--Rodolia (Vedalia) cardinalis Muls. A preliminary paper on this subject was prepared and read by one of the authors at the Indian Science Congress at Allahabad in January, 1930, but was not published pending the preparation of a fuller account, which, however, did not unfortunately materialise. After having been under fairly efficient control for over a decade, the scale had again in- creased in numbers by 1941, when it was reported to be causing much damage on the Nilgiris, and what was even more serious, it was detected on wattle at various places on the Upper Palnis also in 1941-42. Conse- quently, laboratories were established at Kodaikanal in July 1942 and at Fernhill in September 1943 to breed the Rodolia Ladybird. In view of the likelihood of the spread of the pest beyond its present limits and the conse- quent threat to the expanding fruit industry of India, it is proposed to present in this paper a short account of the spread of this pest in South India since its first appearance and indicate the present position in regard to its control.

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