Madras Agricultural Journal
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Contour Embankments in Dry Lands.


                                Dry lands situated in low rainfall areas, can be permanently improved by providing contour embankments During rains a good deal of the water runs off the land carrying with it large quantities of silt. Much of this water if impounded on the land, will increase the moisture content of the soil, especially in low rainfall areas where it is badly wanted and result in the production of larger yields of crops. In addition to this, if the water is held the soil also is not removed. When the soil is retained, it stops deterioration by erosion. Much care is taken by the cultivators of wet lands and garden lands to level and terrace the lands for irrigation. If levelling is done, the maxi mum benefits of rainfall and the least losses from soil erosion occur. Gene- rally speaking such areas are not extensive as compared to the dry lands. The population in the area is large, the area of each holding is small and the economic position of the cultivators is much more favourable when compared to the dry land cultivators. Terracing the extensive dry lands is out of question owing to the magnitude of the work. It is unremunerative when applied to dry lands where the value of crop yields is low.

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