Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies in Cow-Pea (Vigna unguiculata, (L) Walp.)


                                Cow-pea has been known and cultivated all over India since very remote tinies. We find an indigenous name for it in all the native languages of India (Watt, 1908). Cow-pea cultivation was introduced into China and other Eastern countries from India in very ancient times. Africa is con- sidered to be the original home of this plant, since the wild forms are found only there. Till recently its spread was confined to Africa, India, Burma, China, Malaya Peninsula, Java and other Asiatic countries.. On account of its use as an excellent green manure crop and also as a mixture in hay and fodder its cultivation has now spread to the warm temperate zones and tropical possessions of all the civilized countries of the world. The name cow-pea was first used for this pulse in America. The earliest known English name is 'Cavalance' used first in the West Indies.

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