Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Effect of Fertilizers on Sugarcane


                                The work reported in this paper was carried out at Coimbatore at the suggestion of Rao Bahadur B. Viswa Nath and the results provide infor- mation on the following points-Firstly an insight is obtained into the aspect of sugarcane nutrition under different fertilizer treatments as revealed in the final out-turn of cane and in the composition of the juice. Secondly from the agricultural aspect; answer and further research is indicated to the ques- tion of manurial treatment for crop increase consistent with quality of the juice. Thirdly from the utilisation aspect, indications are available in res- pect of increase in the actual sugar content of cane by fertilizer treatment and also on the effect on the other important factors like pH, fibre, etc. Fourthly light is thrown on the question of how far the sufficiency or defici- ency of the major plant nutrients in the soil is reflected in the composition of the juice of the plant.

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